Issue# 71 - May 2011


  • Carolyn's Comments
  • Upcoming Events
  • Feature Article: Breathing as a Bridge
  • Carolyn Recommends: Green Smoothies!
  • Closing Thoughts
Carolyn's Comments

A big "Welcome" to all of you new readers who have recently joined us! And as always, a big virtual hug to all of my long-time loyal readers!

Check out this great looking group. This is our most recent group of SimplyHealed graduates. We had a great time at our April class! Because SimplyHealed is a simple way to do advanced energy healing work, they are already helping others in amazing ways!  


FYI: Since the recent re-branding from Calyco Healing to Simply Healed, we have a brand new page on Facebook and invite you to join us there and add your comments! Just click the 'Like' to follow us on our Facebook page.

Upcoming Events

Ask Carolyn Tele-classes 

 F-r-e-e! The third Wednesday of each month at  

11 am PT/ noon MT/ 1 pm CT/ 2 pm ET  

Next Call: Wednesday, May 18th

These LIVE 30 minute calls are available to answer any questions or concerns you may have about energy healing, how it works, and how it can help you improve your life. For more information and to sign up for this complimentary call click here.

Energy Healing Group Call

NOTE: If you have already registered through the Living Energy Secrets offer, you do not need to register again for these 2 upcoming calls.

Topic: Family Relationships 

Mon., May 16th
1 pm PT/ 2 pm MT/ 3 pm CT/ 4 pm ET

Through working with thousands of people over the years, I have seen remarkable, positive changes occur within a family when even just one person shifts their energy. Healing can begin with you. Yes, even if you feel like you are the only “normal” one in your family! Join us for this group phone session to clear the energetic clutter in your relationships with family members.

During each group session a name will be drawn for a complimentary private phone session with me.

Register now


Topic: Your Energetic Relationship with Money 

Thurs., June 2nd
6 pm PT/ 7 pm MT/ 8 pm CT/ 9 pm ET

During this group phone session we will be clearing blocks around being open to receiving financial success, past issues with money, subconscious beliefs that hold us back--even repel money from coming to us! Most of us have ancestral issues in our cell-memories about being worthy and deserving to have money, and yes, we can and will release those old patterns as well.

During each group session a name will be drawn for a complimentary private phone session with me.

Register now


SimplyHealedTM Training

August 12-15th, 2011  
Perth, Australia

Register now


September 13-16th, 2011  
St. George, Utah

Convenient 3-payment plan available until July 12th!

Register now


October 11-14th, 2011  
Birmingham, Alabama

Convenient 3-payment plan available until August 10th!

Register now


November 8-11th, 2011  
St. George, Utah

Convenient 3-payment plan available until Sept. 11th!

Register now


Alumni Refresher & Business Course

June 8-10th, 2011  
St. George, Utah

Spend a few days with like-minded people and freshen your skill set in a dynamic master class environment. This course includes step-by-step information to begin and/or ramp up your energy healing business.

If you've completed the SimplyHealed 4 day training, OR the (formerly known as) Calyco Healing Level 2 training, then this class is for you!

Register now

Featured Article: Breathing as a Bridge

It is thought by many cultures that the process of breathing is the essence of being. A rhythmic process of expansion and contraction, breathing is one example of the consistent polarity we see in nature such as night and day, wake and sleep, seasonal growth and decay and ultimately life and death. In yoga, the breath is known as prana or a universal energy that can be used to find a balance between the body-mind, the conscious-unconscious, and the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous system. Unlike other bodily functions, the breath is easily used to communicate between these systems, which gives us an excellent tool to help facilitate positive change.

Breathing is the only bodily function that we do both voluntarily and involuntarily. We can consciously use breathing to influence the involuntary (sympathetic nervous system) that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, circulation, digestion and many other bodily functions. Pranayama is a yoga practice that literally means the control of life or energy. It uses breathing techniques to change subtle energies within the body for health and well being. Breathing exercises can act as a bridge into those functions of the body of which we generally do not have conscious control.

It’s been shown that using proper breathing techniques is one of the most beneficial things that can be done for both short and long term physical and emotional health. But how? There are breathing exercises you can learn to improve your mental and physical health. Below are just a few.

The first technique is abdominal breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing. When you contract your diaphragm muscle, its downward force causes your abdomen to expand and your lungs to fill with air. The resultant negative pressure pulls blood into the chest, improving your stamina. Abdominal breathing also helps prevent infection, and it’s a great relaxation tool.

Abdominal Breathing Technique

  • Put one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Breathe in deeply. The hand on your abdomen should rise higher than your chest hand.
  • Exhale through your mouth. Take a slow deep breath in through your nose while you imagine sucking in all the air in the room. Hold it for a count of seven (or as long as you can without exceeding seven.)
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of eight while contracting your abdominal muscles to completely evacuate the remaining air from the lungs. (Note: You deepen respirations not by inhaling more air but through completely exhaling it.)
  • Repeat the cycle four more times for a total of five deep breaths and try to breathe at a rate of one breath every ten seconds (or six breaths per minute). At this rate our heart rate variability increases, which has a positive effect on cardiac health.

As soon as you have the technique down, you can add positive affirmation words to the exercise. For instance, you can think calm as you inhale (inviting calm into your body) and stress as you exhale (expelling stress from your body with your breath).

Using breathing exercises to increase energy

If practiced over time, the abdominal breathing exercise can result in improved energy throughout the day, but sometimes we are in need of a quick pick-me-up. You should use the Bellows breathing technique (also called stimulating breath) when you feel fatigued and need revitalization — for instance, when you’re on a long road trip or when you’ve been sitting at your desk staring a computer for hours. One word of caution: bellows breathing is not a substitute for abdominal breathing but is a tool to increase energy when needed. Bellows breathing is the opposite of abdominal breathing, using short, fast, rhythmic breaths to increase energy, which are similar to the “chest” breathing we do when under stress. The bellows breath stimulates the adrenal glands, the same response when you’re under stress and need a boost of energy.

The Bellows Breathing Technique (The Stimulating Breath)

  • Sit with your spine straight in a comfortable upright position.
  • Breathe in and out of your nose as quickly as possible with your mouth closed. Shoot for two-three breaths per second. Visualize using a bicycle pump (a bellows) to quickly inflate a tire. The upstroke is inspiration and the downstroke is exhalation and both are equal in length.
  • This exercise will strengthen muscles in your neck, chest and abdomen.
  • Do this for no longer than 15 seconds when first starting. With practice, slowly increase the length of the exercise by five seconds each time. Do it as long as you are comfortably able, not exceeding one full minute.

  • There is a risk for hyperventilation that can result in loss of consciousness if this exercise is done too much in the beginning, so practice it in a safe place such as a bed or chair.   
Carolyn Recommends: Green Smoothies!

Okay, so it finally happened, yes I’ve become one of those “green  smoothie people”!

And I must say, it’s one of the best things I’ve done! I’ve always been a ‘juicer’, but smoothies are even better because all the pulp gets blended up in the drink, instead of staying in the machine.

A dear friend of mine recently lost 25 lbs in her first month of having a green smoothie every morning for breakfast. No other  ch anges, just changing out her breakfast to a green smoothie. When your body is getting the nutrition it needs you don’t have cravings for not-so-healthy foods.

Every day I invent a new recipe depending on what we have in the fridge/freezer. I love to use Kale because it is VERY nutritious, I’ve also discovered Bokchoy and slice up some of that most days (leaf, stalk, and all) I love knowing that my kids (and I) are getting so much nutrition in their bodies from something, quick, easy and yummy!

Note: if it tastes ‘too green’ I’ll squeeze in a little squirt of Agave nector to sweeten it up.

Here are 2 recipes to get you started: (It really helps to have a heavy duty blender like a Blendtec (love mine!) or a VitaMix)


1 handful of fresh organic spinach

1 stalk celery (Optional)

1 or 2 sweet yellow filipino mangos

½ -1 cup water depending on how thick you like yours

A sprig or 2 of parsley–it’s so healthy and cleansing.



1 banana, broken up, (frozen-optional)

About 2 cups chopped kale

Handful frozen berries (any kind)

1 tablespoon flax seed meal (optional)

About 1/2 cup orange juice or water

Place fruits/vegies into a blender, pour in the liquid.


Cover and puree until smooth; serve. You can also add ice cubes to thicken. Mmmmmm...veggie/ fruity goodness!

Closing Thoughts

"The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness."

~Therese of Lisieux

Make it a Simply great day!



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Private Energy Healing Phone Sessions with Carolyn are now available each Thursday. Schedule your session here.  



Published by Carolyn Cooper &
© 2004-2010 Tai Chi Flow, Inc. All rights reserved

Carolyn Cooper
Simply Healed
PO Box 910546
St. George, Ut. 84790