Issue #49 ~ May 2009

in this issue

1) Carolyn’s Comments
2) Calyco Healing Trainings:
     May in St. George / July in SLC
3) Featured Article: 7 Steps to Manifesting
4) Group Phone Sessions: Developing Intuition
Carolyn Recommends: Radio Show
6) Closing Thought

Carolyn's Comments

I recently returned from a trip to Ontario, Canada with all my siblings and their spouses, and my mom to visit my sister and her family who live there. We all had a great time together, and I’m grateful for the blessing of friendship we share between us. Here we are at the magnificent Niagara Falls.

It was a fun week, now back to business….

Ok, I hear you! I mentioned in a recent email that I might go back to doing the 2-day Calyco Healing courses, so you can take Level 1 then practice for a while and come back to take Level 2.

Many of you sent emails asking to please keep the 4-day training because you want the option of taking all 4 days together. So…I will be doing the full 4-day trainings at least through September ’09.

These courses have always had the option of doing the only Level 1, so of course that is still available, and in fact, I often recommend that for those who are new to energy work.

Read on for more details about summer courses…

Upcoming Calyco Healing Trainings

Calyco Healing Intensive Training
For May’s Class you must register before Sat. May 23rd!!

We have a great group registered, and there are still a few spots
left if you hurry and register soon!

I love this work! My clients and students report profound
and life-changing results, and quite frankly, as a mother and also
as a business owner this information is invaluable to me! I feel so
blessed to be able to help others learn it too!

You see…I have a dream: A facilitator in every family.
I don’t like to use the word healer because God is the healer; I am simply a facilitator. Knowing how Calyco works, and the healing it can do for broken hearts, broken families and broken lives thrills me to get to share that joy with so many others.

Once you learn this, it really becomes part of your life.

"Truly, Calyco is inspired and a gift in my life. It has changed my life and the lives of my family members. Our business is stronger every day and if I find a weaker spot, I just fix it! Thank you for your time, service, and openness to sharing your knowledge. I love your approach to teaching. The manual is so easy to use and to reference at home. I also appreciate that you were willing to answer every question and truly wanted each participant to go away able to use the tools."
Ashlee Miller, Phoenix, AZ

Calyco Healing is a simple and amazing method to help reduce stress, release old, negative emotions, open up new possibilities, and balance mind, body and spirit. Not only that, but by using what you learn in the training, negative tension in relationships can melt away, self confidence will increase, financial situations improve, and, get this…it can even help with weight loss!

I know that is bold of me to say, but I have done this work for many years, and I routinely see these results in my clients, so I’m
not afraid to say that Calyco Healing can do all that and more!

“This is so fast and easy…it is energy healing on steroids!”
Sandra Boyer, UT

I invite you to join me for an upcoming Calyco Healing Training. You will learn how to access the amazing healing power that is our God-given birthright, and how to combine that with your own unique gifts to help yourself and others create more joyous and abundant lives. Anyone can do this work, whether you think you are intuitive or not.

For more information about what CH is go here:

We have payment plans available, so if you are thinking about attending, please register as soon as possible!

May in St. George, Ut.
Level 1 Wed/Thurs. May 27th & 28th
Level 2 Fri/Sat May 29th & 30th
At the Green Gate Village Bed & Breakfast Inn right in the heart of St. George, Utah. You can stay at the Village or book a room at a local motel. I love this B & B - it has great energy! Heads up: they book up quickly, so if you are thinking of attending in May and want to stay there, you need to reserve a room soon.
For more information and to register for this class click here.

July in Salt Lake City, Ut.
Level 1 Tues/Wed. July 28th & 29th
Level 2 Thurs/Fri. July 30 & 31st
Information about the exact location will be sent after registration.
For July’s class you must register before July 4th!
For more information and to register for this class click here.

Learn more about Calyco Healing and how it can change your life in amazingly positive ways.

Featured Article - 7 Easy Steps to Writing a Manifestation List!

Many of you have heard me in speeches, group phone sessions, or private sessions talk about writing a manifestation list. For the past several weeks I’ve been teaching my Energy Healing Basics Clean and Simple 5-week tele-series, and we discussed this as part of one of the calls.

It was then that I realized I have never actually written a handout or article about how I put my list together. It’s similar to writing down your goals, but more fun because we write out what we want and get into the energy of it already being here. Plus, I like to call it a “manifestation list” because it feels more powerful to me.

Here is the way I go through the process:

  1. I get really clear on what is unacceptable to me before I even get going. I don’t like to focus on the negative on my real list, but this part is more like a PRE-list, where I get to choose what I do NOT want. That way I’ve already stated it up front, and I don’t have to be wishy-washy about it if it shows up later. Example, if you were writing a manifestation list for a new job, you may want to list things such as,

    I don’t want a stress-full environment.
    I don’t want a demanding boss.
    I don’t want long hours.
    I don’t want annoying co-workers.
    I don’t want to be doing busy-work that isn’t really my expertise

    You get the idea.

    Now, when you feel like you’ve cleaned out all those little demons, then literally wad that paper up and throw it away. You don’t need those negatives hanging around.

  2. Here’s the fun part…write down what you DO want. Shoot for the moon! You want to write with no limitations, what the ideal situation for you could be. Your dream job. And remember to write it out in present tense “as if” it has already happened.

    I have a job I love going to each day.
    My superiors and co-workers respect and support me.
    I have great work hours (you can be more specific).
    I am well paid and very appreciated.
    My work environment is pleasing and uplifting.
    Through my work, I’m having a positive impact on others, the environment, etc.

    This can be a half page or 20 pages, just go for it! You might come back later and add a few more things, or cross some off that you realize aren’t that important. Don’t limit yourself to writing only things that you feel are “possibilities” for you right now. Also write down things that may seem very unlikely to happen. There is much power in the written word.

  3. This one is so important I give it its own number. On the list you just wrote, make sure to write “Or something better”. Personally, I generally get blessed with solutions and options that are far beyond my current ability to figure the situation out. Our WILLINGNESS to be open brings positive energy and good abundance our way. “Or something better” means I am trusting God to bring me what I need for my highest good in this situation, and it may come in a different way than I am expecting.

  4. Let go of limiting beliefs about your abilities and life’s possibilities. This is where energy healing work comes in. In order to be successful at a goal, you first need to let go of past hurts, negative triggers, ancestral memories that may be blocking you, and any false beliefs that are lurking in your sub-conscious. The easiest way to do this is to have a session with a Calyco Healing practitioner. During the session your Spirit will bring up and release whatever is limiting you in this area. If what you want to manifest is related to one of my Group Phone Session topics, join me on one of those calls to get to the root of anything that is holding you back from achieving your goal.

  5. FEEL what it will be like to have, do or be what is on your list. See yourself with the finished goal. Let’s go back to our example of a better job. Visualize yourself going through the motions of that job, even if you don’t yet know exactly what it will be. How happy are you? How fulfilled? Notice how wonderfully your body is responding to this new job. What does it smell like? The more of your senses you can involve with this, the more real it becomes. Keep this visualization with you and take a few minutes to really ‘feel’ it a couple times a day.

  6. Let go and trust. This is the hardest step for most people. You simply need to know it is on its way, you do not have to understand HOW it will possibly come to pass. Let the Universe figure all that out, you just need to be resonating at the same vibration as the thing that you want. Good things are always there for us in the energy field, just as radio stations are always broadcasting. If we want to hear country music we tune into the country station, if we want easy-listening we tune into the easy-listening station-it’s a certain energetic frequency. If we want a new, well-fitting job, we tune into that vibratory station. That means, the job is already out there, and by doing these easy steps we are tuning in to that same station, or frequency.

    That’s how the law of attraction brings you and your goal together—like magnets, they naturally attract when they are on the same wavelength.

  7. There’s just one more piece to be aware of. That is, you cannot simply wish all this and it gets done with no help from you. There is a little legwork involved; you must take “Inspired Action.” That means when you get a prompting to email someone, or stop in a particular store, read a book or take a class that seems to call to you, follow through! Pay attention to the inspiration that floats in. It may seem like just a random thought but, who knows, that old friend that you feel inspired to call today, may have the job-lead that is exactly right for you.

    Many times I’ve done this inspired action step and not even realized that it was leading me to one of my goals that I had forgotten I had written down long before. When the timing is right, the promptings will come so pay attention to those nudges and follow through. That way you are trusting the law of attraction to pull all the pieces together without forcing it to come to pass, and you are participating in the process by listening and following your intuition.

    Remember, it may not come in the way that you expect it to. Let go of the outcome and be open to it coming in a way that is different than you think it needs to be, and probably better!
Group Phone Sessions

Thanks to those who joined me on last week’s call about Family Relationships. I’ve received lots of great feedback!

Here’s what’s coming up for June:

Daytime – Tues. June 2nd ~ Developing Your Intuition
11:00 am Mountain Time

Evening - Wednesday, June 17th ~ Healthy Body
6:00 pm Mountain Time

To read more about how Group Sessions work and to register go here

Carolyn Recommends: Meta-stories radio show

I’d love to have you tune in on Monday, June 1st to Spirit Quest Radio, where I will be a guest on Karen Kinsey’s show, “Meta Stories
It will be at 5 pm MTN / 7 pm EDT

MetaStories, with host Karen Kinsey, features special guests and YOU, the caller. The heart of MetaStories is a forum for anyone to be able to share stories of the metaphysical. What does that mean? It means stories that go beyond the physical realm. It means your story...that set of events that go beyond coincidence and remind you that there is something more, something synchronistic, miraculous, mystical present in our lives. Show your gratitude by sharing the joy of your story with others!

I will send a reminder a few days before, but you may want to jot this number on your calendar:

code: 43400#

Closing Thought

“If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the Law to bring results…Well, the desire you image is the seed, your occasional closing of the eyes in imagery is the sun, and your constant, though not anxious, expectation is the rain and cultivation necessary to bring absolutely sure results.”

From the book, Our Invisible Supply (1907), by Frances Larimer Warner






May classes are filling fast!

See dates and times in this newsletter and sign up now!






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I am a co-author of this book chock full of great tips for healthy living!
Order yours today (and get lots of free bonuses) by going here.


“Thank you for the great role you have played in allowing me to embark on the path of my life's purpose. With the starting of the call I had with you last year, I have begun a journey in life that includes peacefulness and bliss for the first time.

It is phenomenal what even an hour session can do in someone’s life--more than 20 yrs of 'therapy'! When you change one women's life, you change generations. Thank you!"


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"I absolutely loved attending Calyco training, as well as the private and group sessions I have been on with Carolyn. Her ease and overall peacefulness is palpable. She a keen sense of humor that, combined with her teaching style makes learning from her a fun and joyful experience."

Jonelle M. Hughes
Las Vegas, NV












Published by Carolyn Cooper &
© 2004-2009 Tai Chi Flow, Inc. All rights reserved