The Law of Attraction, Part II

In last week’s post, I described how positive thoughts and energy attract positive energy back, and even subconscious negative thoughts will attract negative energy to you. As I promised, below are some tactics to turn the negative into positive.

1) Notice your speech patterns and change them when necessary. Do you ever say things like, “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t afford it,” “I’m so fat,” “There are no good men/women out there for me,” etc. All of these are examples of very limited thinking. When you hear that negative self-talk creeping into your thoughts, acknowledge it briefly, then let it go by replacing it with a new positive affirmation. Examples: “I am enough,” “Money flows to me; I always have enough to pay my bills and much more,” “I love my healthy, fit body,” “I am worthy of and attract a healthy relationship.” Always state them in the present-tense positive: “I am healthy” rather than “I am not fat.”

Even if you are 30 pounds overweight and your conscious mind isn’t quite buying it, the subconscious mind, which sees in pictures, will take it without questioning and your behaviors always align themselves with that subconscious belief.

It actually becomes fun, coming up with more and more positive affirmations to say to yourself. Start your own affirmation notebook.

2) Be willing to let go of what is no longer serving you, even if (especially if) it will take you out of your comfort zone. Believe that it is safe to release the need to keep any distorted patterns.

3) Own your power and with it start creating the life you really want. If you catch yourself reverting back to any negative thought habits, ask yourself “If I could have anything I want in this situation, what would that look like?” Feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it. The more senses you engage, the easier it becomes to manifest that into a reality.

4) Gain knowledge by reading some great books on this subject. There are now literally hundreds of books on the Law of Attraction. A few of my favorites are: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer, The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale, and The Jack Rabbit Factor by Leslie Householder. If you go to any online bookstore and search for Law of Attraction, you’ll find a huge list of books to choose from.

5) Meditation and exercises such as Tai Chi and Yoga help to get you into a centered state, where you have the clarity to identify negative patterns so that you can let them go. The Tai Chi Flow videos are a great way to get started! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!)

6) Of course, the very best advice I can offer is make an appointment for some Energy Work With a clearing tool like Calyco Healing we are able to bypass the conscious mind’s defense mechanisms that keep deeper beliefs and thoughts hidden away. The mind does this so we are able to function seemingly adequately on a daily basis. With the Calyco transformational techniques we are able to release the limiting attitudes and beliefs, and replace them with supporting attitudes and beliefs.

By clearing deeper beliefs from the subconscious on an energy cell level, we are getting to the root of the problem, at the same time plugging in corresponding positive affirmations. This raises the vibration of the thoughts we are sending out. With my clients, once these affirmations are plugged into their subconscious mind, they experience improved circumstances and increased feelings of self-worth immediately.

Remember, whatever you concentrate on increases, or as I like to say, “What you think about, you bring about / What you fear will appear.” Every thought we think is creating our future. What seeds of thought are you sowing?

2 replies
  1. Tanya Ormsby says:

    I enjoy being reminded of these powerful principles . It is all too easy to slip back into your old thinking isn’t it. I did your course in Sydney last year and loved it. my colleage Mary-Anne,and a patient who is a practitioner both attended your last seminar in Sydney.It has so opened my mind as to what is possible. I am so glad Jenny talked me into going originally. Thankyou for your knowledge, kindness and humility it was great. I also really appreciate the lack of ego. My sister Simone who is also a chiro would like to learn too but she is going through a marriage breakdown and some financial difficulties. So I would like to ask your permission to teach her your Technique is there a fee or something I need to do to be able to do that? please let me know. Thankyou for all you have done for me and my family I feel really blessed to have met you and learned from you. Love and gratitude Tanya


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