Long-distance energy therapy

Long-distance energy therapyI offer long-distance energy healing, and many people ask me how this is done — how is it possible for this therapy to be conducted over the phone, long distance?

Because energy is not limited by time or distance, the work is just as powerful whether I’m working with someone in person one on one or we’re speaking over the telephone. When doing phone sessions, I simply muscle-test on myself to get the feedback from the client’s energy. Likewise, I do the integration on myself for the client.

Another technique that can be used long-distance is dedication. Dedication is similar to a long-distance phone session. First, permission must be asked of the person’s energy before beginning work. Once a strong response is detected through muscle testing, information is gathered. This is done the same way in any kind of session, whether in-person or long-distance, except it’s all through spirit-to-spirit communication.

When the integration is done, I release the dedication to them, to accept of their own free will. There is absolutely no manipulation involved, since it is an energetic gift offered to them, and their subconscious can choose which parts (if any) of it they want to accept. It is like saying a prayer for someone and sending it out to them — it is always up to them what they will do with it. Because most people’s spirits are attracted to a higher level, it’s rare that someone will not give energetic permission to be worked on. And if they give permission, that means their subconscious understands it.

I’ve seen this process yield amazing results when working with clients by sending a dedication of peace and love to an estranged family member.

2 replies
  1. Eli Richardson says:

    I found it interesting when you explained how long-distance energy healing therapy works. My sister is a very spiritual person. She enjoys candles, yoga, and meditation. With the current health conditions, she can’t visit her therapist. That’s why I believe this information will be of great help to her. I appreciate you helping me learn about the benefits of healing services.


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