Q&A 1: Why Doesn’t Energy Therapy Work for Me?

Question: Why don’t I feel like the energy work that’s been done on me in the past isn’t working like it should?

Answer: First of all, I can’t answer why you do or don’t feel a certain way.

Energy healing works. It’s our own subconscious that doesn’t allow it to work or blocks it from working. I’ve done this work for many years and have learned to look for false beliefs that are often hidden way down in the roots.

If it “didn’t work” for you, maybe you went to a practitioner who wasn’t completely working in the light, and your spirit sensed that and blocked things. Or perhaps the practitioner was working in the light but still some blocks were put up out of skepticism, or feeling unworthy to receive the work.

Sometimes people just aren’t ready for certain things. Sometimes there are lessons to be learned before energy healing can completely clean up an issue. Patience is a part of it;  you may not go to one session and feel all these changes at once, although I have seen that happen a lot, especially for those who approach a session with an open heart and mind. Life is a series of steps that we take. Even though the energy can move and shift immediately,  we may not experience all the effects of a clearing until we get moving along in our life. It’s really okay for things to unfold over time.

If you’ve asked this same question, do some journaling on this. Schedule some time with yourself to sit down, relax and ponder. Be very kind and very patient with yourself, AND very honest. Here are the questions to ask yourself:

  1. If all the various kinds of energy work that I’ve experienced had worked for me, everything I’ve ever had cleared, or balanced, or realigned, any kind of sessions that have helped my energy, what would happen if I totally allowed myself to receive all the things that were “supposed to work”? How would that feel if I totally accepted it, and what would change in my life?
  2. If I look back two weeks, three months, six months, do I see changes? Sometimes when people think it’s not working at all because it’s not working as immediately as they expected it to. It doesn’t mean it’s not working. It means that those patterns have been untangled and now you’re stepping forward and making new patterns and taking new, more positive steps.
  3. If the energy sessions worked the way I wanted them to, in what ways does that scare me? Is there a fear there? Would a lot more be expected of me? If my bum knee was better, if my headaches went away, if I got over all the anger at my father, if my fear of public speaking was totally gone, what scares me about that? What  would be expected of me and do I feel capable of stepping up to it and sustaining it?
  4. Am I too comfortable with my blocks because I’m familiar with them, even though I’m miserable in them?  Have I become accustomed to my perceived safety of hiding behind them?
  5. Do I believe I am worthy and deserving enough for it to work for me personally? Do I allow it to work? Do I give myself permission to live bigger?

If you’re with a skilled practitioner who is trying to help you and be of service to you, and you feel good at the time and then you go home and  say, “Awwh, I don’t know, it didn’t really work for me”, then that’s the time when you get to go on that little inner journey of gently excavating the answers to the above questions.

I’m not “blaming” the client, but the energy is very strong and intelligent, so most of the time it’s some kind of subconscious fear that’s holding you back. Give it time. Practice patience. Question yourself to find the answers. Love yourself. Give yourself permission. Open up. Allow it to work.

2 replies
  1. Elle Brodie says:

    Love Love love this post!!! Thank you Carolyn for writing it! Energy Healing is incredible and I love how it works. I’m so grateful to be apart of this field it’s incredible. When I started Nursing I loved it but soon saw that as awesome as being a Nurse was there was this void there. I just felt like nursing really wasn’t for me and that there was something else I was ment to be doing. I’m so glad I found or Simplyhealed found me becuase I feel like I can treat my cleints on such a holistic level. I feel like I am truly helping to empower each of my cleints to claim back their lives. It’s truly an incredible experience to be able to see the changes in their lives.

  2. Melissa Hughes says:

    As a practitioner, in reagards to number four, I always ask if on a subconscious level they know how to move forward once the block is cleared. If I get a no then I just give the client an affirmation that it is safe to move forward. That usually helps clear any problems with hiding behind the blocks.


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