Do Crystals Really Heal?

Do Crystals Really Heal?People ask me all the time what I think about crystals. There seems to be some controversy about this subject, but I think crystals are fabulous. 

I don’t know why some people think that’s a little bit weird–unless they’ve gone to a person who uses crystals who’s a little bit weird!  I say that jokingly, but the crystals themselves are harmless and beautiful things that can help us. Everything on earth has a vibration, and gemstones and crystals are no exception. Each type has a different vibration that has a different effect on the energy around it.

Some people wear crystals as jewelry to raise their vibration. They like to keep a certain kind of stone near them to help out with a particular ailment.

I’m not an expert on what each one does for what emotion–that’s not my forte (see the explanations below), but just like herbs or essential oils, I believe that God put them on this earth to help us heal.  Since crystals, rocks and stones were all created by God, they have a vibration that can help us.

When I worked at the Red Mountain Spa, the woman who used the healing room upstairs from mine did work with crystals and gemstones, and we would occasionally do sessions  on each other. I loved it because she was so in tune with the stones and rocks. I would lie on the table, sometimes on my front, sometimes on my back, and she would intuitively know which rocks to pick up and put where—on my stomach, or my legs or shoulders, my forehead, sometimes on my feet. She played soothing music and just let the rocks do the work.

I remember one time she had some rocks near my hips and I do not remember what type of rock it was, but when she took them off, she took them in her hand and said, “Ouch!” They were hot as if they’d been in an oven, even though they had started out at room temperature when she first put them on me. So apparently they had sucked some kind of blocked energy from my hips.  Interestingly, this was during the time I was training for a triathlon and I’d been having trouble with my hips. The power of the crystals really helped!

So what do I think of crystals? I think they are beautiful creations from God and anything from God is good.

Below is a glossary of a few of the many crystals and stones and their healing properties from

AMBER–A fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence on endocrine system, spleen and heart. Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Associated with the Navel, Solar plexus and Crown Chakras.

AMETHYST–A variety of quartz, light to dark purple in color. Strengthens endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands. Powerful blood cleanser and energizer.

CALCITE–Aids kidneys, pancreas, spleen. Balances male/female polarities. Alleviates fear, reduces stress. Emotionally balancing. Grounds excess energy. Works with Chakras according to color of stone.

CELESTITE–Enhances thyroid functions. Reduces stress. Relaxing, peace of mind. Accelerates growth. Aids personal creative expression. Associated with the Throat Chakra.

COPPER–Influences flow of blood. Supplies strong energy to body and mind. Aids metabolism. Helps detoxify the body. An aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance. Strong conductor of energy. Copper bracelets can be worn to help with arthritis of the hands or fingers.

EMERALD–Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, immune system and nervous system. Aids in alignment of subtle bodies. Strong emotional balancer. Associated with Heart and Solar plexus Chakras.

JADE–Strengthens heart, kidneys, immune system. Helps cleanse blood. Increases longevity and fertility. Aids eye disorders and female problems. Dispels negativity.

OPAL–Stimulates pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. The full spectrum of colors resonates with all Chakras.

ROSE QUARTZ–Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Aids development for forgiveness, compassion and love. Sometimes known as “The Love Stone”. Associated with the Heart Chakra.

SELENITE [gypsum] Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has positive effect on brain, aiding powers of concentration and clarity. Enhances willpower. Associated with the Crown Chakra.

SILVER–Enhances mental functions. Aids circulation. Strengthens blood. Strengthens pineal and pituitary glands. Relieves stress. Emotional balance. Excellent energy conductor.

TOPAZ– Tissue regeneration. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, spleen, digestive organs, nervous system. Detoxifies body. Warming awakening inspiring. Associated with Navel and Crow Chakras.

TURQUOISE–Tones, strengthens entire body. Aids circulation, lungs, respiratory system, tissue regeneration. Vitalizes blood, nervous system. Aligns Chakras. Associated with the Throat Chakra.

2 replies
  1. Loretta Smith says:

    Thank you, Carolyn! I love having this reference! I have a friend who is drawn to working with crystals. It’s so nice to have this written by you, my voice of reason :o)I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate having your opinion on this matter.


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