ASK Carolyn -Replay

Although energy healing is getting more widely accepted all the time, there are still many, many people who know very little about it.

Each month (usually the 3rd Wed) for 30 min, during lunch-time (depending on what time-zone you are in) I offer an “ASK Carolyn” call.  On this call I answer questions that people have written in about my unique method, SimplyHealed, or anything about energy healing in general.

The response has been great!  I usually have a big crowd listening in, and I am so happy to have a chance to teach more about this wonderful way of healing emotionally, mentally, spiritually.


Here is a link to a replay of one of my recent ASK Carolyn calls:

Feel free to download it and/or pass it on to friends.


The questions answered on this call are:

Is it ok to do a lot of different energy methods?

How long does it take for the body to make adjustments after the energy is cleared?

Can one send healing energy to another without being asked?

How can I know what my gifts and talents are?

How should I deal with a family member who shuts down and won’t communicate?

Can SimplyHealed help someone grow a new tooth?


Great questions, right?

To listen to my answers, click this link:

I hope you’ll join me for an upcoming

ASK Carolyn call. 30-min, 3rd Wed, each month.

Go here to send in a question for the next call:



Operation Beautiful

Operation BeautifulHave you ever had one of those days where you just feel “out of sorts”?

Well, I was having one of those days…

There I was, looking in the mirror in the church bathroom. Checking to see if the left side of my face was still a bit swollen.  You see, I’d had a little sinus infection the day before (yes, even with energy work I do get run down occasionally-not often, but occasionally).  With the combination of that, and getting to bed late the night before I woke up Sunday with a bit of a “puff” on the left side of my face.  Not too noticeable, but enough to make me feel ‘off’.  I also realized I hadn’t put on a slip that day (luckily my skirt was dark), and I had forgotten some important papers I needed. Oh, and now as I looked in the mirror I realized I’d forgotten to fix my hair.  Hmm…

“Ugh, I thought to myself, I need to go back to bed and start this day over!”

But wait…from the corner of my eye, I noticed a pink post-it note on the mirror.

This is what it said:

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Ha! I giggled out loud- what perfect timing! I had no idea who put it there, but I thought it was a great idea!  I later found out who posted it there and learned about Operation Beautiful. It’s a fun website/blog started by a 26-year-old girl from North Carolina to help girls and women stop negative self talk.

The founder, Caitlin says: “I began Operation Beautiful by leaving positive messages on the mirrors of public restrooms — at work, at the gym, at the grocery store.  I scribble down whatever comes to mind — “You are beautiful!” or “You are amazing just the way you are!”  My personal goal is to leave as many Operation Beautiful notes as I can. Maybe some people read them and just smile, but I bet some people are truly touched by the effort of a random stranger”.

To learn more about this movement go to

I’ve begun doing this and it is so much fun! I hope you too, will begin posting your positive messages today.  You never know who’s day will be brightened by your thoughtful note, just like my day was!