The Law of Attraction, Part I

The Law of Attraction, Part IThere is a jingle I learned as a young girl that says, “The law of the harvest is simple you know, whatever you reap is just what you sow.” As I have grown I realize this means all the sowing we do begins with a thought. Every thought we sow has a vibrational frequency to it and is magnetic. Since like attracts like, we are bringing to us those things with the same vibrational frequency as the thoughts we sow. When I sow negative thoughts, I reap negative rewards. Likewise, when I sow positive thoughts, positive things show up in my life. Read more

Five Ways to Open Your Heart


Start by giving yourself unconditional love. You can’t totally love and accept others when you have negative self-talk going on. After years of working with many clients in the field of Energy Healing, I am convinced that the #1 common denominator in every issue is the lack of self- worth, self-acceptance, self-love. Love is what we were born with; fear is what we have learned here. Our spiritual journey is to let go of the fear in order to accept the love back into our hearts. Recognize that we don’t make any mistakes we don’t need to in order to learn the lessons that are necessary for our growth. Listen to the lesson, forgive yourself, and move forward with love. Read more

Open Your Heart to Forgiveness

In my many years of being an Energy Intuitive and working on literally thousands of people, the one action that I’ve found that helps people heal more fully than any other is that of FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness releases us from the past. It is the answer to almost everything. When we are stuck and do not flow freely with life in the present moment, it usually means we are holding on to a past memory and there is some forgiving that needs to be done. Read more

Good, Better, Best

Good, Better, BestChoice is a great thing. It gives us opportunity and variety, but it also has a dark side: too many choices can add to our overall busy-ness by causing us to take on too much. It can make us to lose sight of our ultimate goals, and it can lead to mental vapor lock. How can we learn to choose wisely and well? Read more